Phase Two :- 14 February - 28 February 2011
For two weeks (14-28 February) I’ll be working with Sean Stillman, who is an Authorised “Concern Australia/ St Martin’s community church pastor working in Swansea UK. Sean runs a church plant called Zac’s Place. Sean is also the International vice president of God’s Squad CMC. Sean also works in other cities across the UK, penetrating and connecting with those on the margins and the families behind this sub culture. I will also be working for another two weeks (1-15 March) with Howie Pickering the Pastor of God’s Garage in Stockport UK. Howie is the President of the UK chapter of God’s Squad. God’s Garage is a place for the broken and damaged from this scene, from tattoo clad rockers to ex-drug users. Howie has been working in this scene for over 15 years. Howie also works in many other towns and cities in the uk in his capacity of UK president of God’s Squad.Goals: 1. Observe and reflect on how Sean/Zac’s place and Howie/ God’s Garage connect and encounter the Marginalised in Swansea and Stockport and in other area’s in the UK, reflect on the general and specific mission principles involved in Sean and Howie’s work. (ie, Hospitality) 2. From the perspective of Sean and Howie’s work, mission and ministry and combining this with my own work and what I have learned from the visit to God’s Squad CMC Australia and St Martin’s community church - wrestle with the question “What is the language, customs and culture of those who live there life on the edge and what kind of church planting/mission is needed in this subculture”? 3. Write a report based on all my reflections and observations in Australia and in the UK in order to promote further engagement and encounter within this subculture in the future, Combined with a guiding document on Engaging with the Language, Customs, Traditions and Culture of this particular mission field.