149. Alice Cooper "Elected"

"Elected" is a 1972 song by rock band Alice Cooper, the first Hot 100 hit from their 6th studio album Billion Dollar Babies. As a single it reached #26 during election week on the US charts, #4 on the UK charts and #3 in Austria. It inspired one of the first MTV-style story-line promo videos ever made for a song. The song was a radical re-write of their 1969 song "Reflected" from the album Pretties for You.

I'm your top prime cut of meat, I'm your choice
I wanna be elected

I'm your yankee doodle dandy in a gold Rolls Royce
I wanna be elected

Kids want a savior, don't need a fake
I wanna be elected

We're gonna rock to the rules that I make
I wanna be elected, elected, elected

I never lied to you, I've always been cool
I wanna be elected

I gotta get the vote, and I told you about school
I wanna be elected, elected, elected
Hallelujah, I wanna be elected

Everyone in the United States of America
We're gonna win this one, take the country by storm
We're gonna be elected

You and me together, young and strong
We're gonna be elected, elected, elected

Respected, selected, call collected
I wanna be elected, elected

On the day when the political landscape in the UK undergoes a colossal change that reverberates aboard the world we think about the subject of Election. The root of the meaning is to be chosen. In the case of politicians it means to be elected by the British people to the role of an MP and to the party that has the magic number of votes to for a government, by the request of the queen. It amounts to being "Chosen" like in the words of Jesus in John 15:16.

Like politicians  Jesus choses people to acts of service for him and for the manifesto of the kingdom of God. Chosen to be part of his government which will last to eternity.

Have you ever thought, "Why would God choose that person?" - or "Why would God choose me?" To the outsider looking in, it may seem as if God is picking people at random to represent Him. Do you see the flaws of others and think, what do they know about salvation? Remember Paul? The one who walked and the power of God was so evident that people were slain in the spirit, fainting just because he walked past them? Yeah, him. He was a sinner too, before God chose him.
What does it mean to be "chosen"?
Usually, when we speak of being "chosen" we are referring to the call to bear the good fruits of the Spirit (John 15:16). This includes fulfilling the works of ministry - but this is not the only meaning.

How do I know if I am chosen?
If you were not chosen, you would not ask that question. That's right. You. Do not get nervous because God has chosen you. To be chosen does not mean that you are a preacher or a missionary. People are chosen for different reasons (Ephesians 4:11). To be chosen means that God has something for you to do. Your job is get so close to God, that you will not be selected to be the destroyer. Judas Iscariot was chosen too - to be the son of perdition (John 17:12). 

Who are God's chosen?
Since the Bible speaks of God's chosen people, some have misconstrued this to mean that God does not choose anyone else. If God can use a mule to speak (Numbers 22:28), He certainly can select anyone or anything else that will have an impact, accomplishing His will.

We learn in the first chapter of Jeremiah that God chooses a youth to represent Him. God says that not only is this child chosen of Him, but he was chosen even before birth.

Although Jeremiah is young, God does not command him to behave as a child without charge. God gives Jeremiah both authority and a promise that none of his words shall fail – they can not fail because they are not Jeremiah’s words. God put His own words in the mouth of Jeremiah to speak (Jeremiah 1:1-10)

How do I know what God has chosen me to do?
While God is a great and powerful source, we do well to remember that He is our friend if we show ourselves friendly to Him by keeping His commandments and communicating with him regularly. Because God is a friend to us, we have a relationship with Him that must be cultivated. Through this relationship, God will reveal His will. If your best friend stopped speaking to you, would you feel that something needed to be done? In the second chapter of Jeremiah, God lets His friends (people) know that they have neglected Him, in spite of His nurturing. He states factually, that He does not deserve this treatment (Jeremiah 2:4-9). God cares about His relationship with His friends. If His friends will not listen to him, he does not just skip to the silent treatment; he sends someone else to speak to them, whom they might listen to instead. God already knows whether or not we will receive His messenger; still, He gives us the opportunity to hear Him in more than one way.

How do I know it is God speaking to me (choosing me)?
God promises to help us find Him and His way if we truly seek. If we are willing to seek Him and follow His direction, God will place people in our path to help us know and understand His will, and to accomplish whatsoever He intends for us to do. Remember to put the information you receive through the filter of the Holy Spirit. If you do not yet know God's will for your life, there may be room for you to cultivate your relationship with Him, before His will is revealed. Meanwhile, seek God for confirmation of His will also. Why? Have you ever heard someone say, "God told me to..." and seen that what the person did was not Godly? This can happen if you allow your channels to get crossed. God is not the author of confusion. Therefore, we know that the enemy is the source of it. The filter of the Holy Spirit is like a litmus test for all communications. Ask God to both protect and keep holy (under the blood of Jesus Christ), all communication to you, from you, around you, and concerning you (Henry Gruber). Satan can not communicate through the Holy Spirit. He can however, transform himself into an image of holiness because he knows what it looks like. You can arm yourself against him.

Will God use someone to tell me I am chosen?
Get to know the fruits of God’s Spirit and to look for them in those who communicate with you concerning God - for where they are, if you reject them, you will lose the blessing carried with them. Even Jesus held His gifts from those who doubted exceedingly (Matthew 13:58).

In the case of Jermiah, he carries messages from God to the people – mostly warnings, which by taking their prescribed actions, the people could avoid negative consequences. To be spared from the wrath of God is a blessing. We should be encouraged to both nurture and strengthen our relationship with God, as He works very diligently at confirming His love toward us and His purpose for our lives. Yet, He is not a page without feeling. He is not simply in the Bible that we read. God is a living spirit. We should know that God is merciful and willing to receive us if we are willing to obey Him. Chosen by God to do a job.......Be like Jeremiah, Be like a servant and bear fruit.

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