3. Understanding Jesus - Part 2 - "THE RANSOM" - Matthew 20:28 & Mark 10:45

Matthew 20:28 Mark 10:45
1. In order to understand Jesus you have to make sense of his death. “Many people are wowed by the miracles of Jesus, few are wowed by his cross” But it’s the cross of Jesus that gives us definition and understanding as to who Jesus really is and what his cross achieved.

2. This understanding should arrest our hearts with wonder and awe at his Grace.

3. The fundamentals of our faith is that the cross is central to what we are. The Death of Jesus has put us right with God.

4. Theologians seek to explain the mechanics of the cross, the models of atonement if you like in a number of different helpful ways. But our task this morning is to look at how Jesus himself understood his death.

5. The Gospels are full of accounts of Jesus own understanding of Theology, of the character of God, of the place of prayer, of mission and wholeness and so own. The gospels also record Jesus’ own understanding of the purpose of his death.

1. CHOSEN - Jesus understood that His death was to be His own act.
“For even the Son of Man came … to give his life”

a, “Came” – Jesus understood the purpose of his coming.
Jesus understood that He lived before He was born.

b, “Give” – Jesus understood the purpose of his death –
c, “Chose” He Chose and he understood his own act.

2. OTHERS - Jesus understood that His death was one chief outcome of his service.
“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve”

a, “Serve” – Jesus understood that his life leads up to this.
b, “Serving” Serving to the point of death.
c, “Ministering” putting others before himself.

3. FREEDOM - Jesus understood that His death was a ransom.
“as a ransom “

a, “Ransom” - Jesus understood his suffering and death was to be a liberation and freedom.
Only two times in the gospels Jesus himself views his death as a sacrifice. 
The Ransom passage and the last supper.

b, At the last supper Jesus, brings the new out of the old.
c, Blood and Sacrifice are clearly seen by Jesus in this supper.
d, This is not missed by John the Gospel written who records Jesus dying as the Passover lambs are slain. His sacrifice for our release. This truth lies at the basis of our faith

4. GLOBAL - Jesus understood that his death has world-wide power and significance.
“as a ransom for many”

a, Many: - 'Jesus Understood his death is the price paid in exchange for the world!'
b, We must not get into the debate of “some” rather than “all” But multiple’s rather than a few.
c, “Many” – Those who see Jesus is the way to liberation and freedom

We can find references to Jesus’ death throughout the New Testament, on the lips of apostles and saints. We can also find more references to Jesus’ own understanding of His death. We do need to grasp the importance of the cross and the importance of Jesus own thinking about the cross and thereby cultivate a renewed passion for him in doing so.

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