2. "Submerge - Living Deep in Shallow World" - Ash Barker and John B. Hayes

“After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up from your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and I show you how far the rabbit hole goes”

Submerge opens with these words from the 1999 film The Matrix, and from then on in the author John B Hayes and Ash Barker develop a joined up vision for the restoration of the world in which we live, fully informed by what that restoration looks like when you are a follower of Jesus. 

The book recognises the heights and depths of world poverty and puts this book at the forefront of cutting edge of theology - “consider the environmental, spiritual and social implications of a world (by 2025) where the urban poor will number the same as the entire world population of 1970.”

Barker and Hayes push the real context for incarnational ministry among the urban poor. Both having been living this mission among and with the urban poor in various locations. Barker through his Urban Neighbours of Hope missionary order based in Springvale in Melbourne, and Hayes through his order Innerchange, which has expanded to work among the poor in five countries since its 1983 beginning in LA. 

Submerge is the powerful explanation of how Barker and Hayes think and work and how they encourage the followers of Jesus to do the same. One of the big questions that comes from the book is “Why do so many good passionate people give up on social change and retreat behind the false, secure walls of the church. They develop the book and It’s ethos by pointing readers toward the great saints Paul, Patrick, Benedict, Francis, Ignatius and the Protestant missionaries of the 19th century - for guidance as these were the founders of significant “Jesus Movements” in their own day and context.

Submerge also tackles traditional missions and the issues and problems that arise from neglect, burnout, insecurity, stress, doubt, conflict, even persecution. Submerge analyses these problems to define four key dimensions of mission - the model of Christ, and ministry as method, message and spiritual discipline. 

Submerge is one of those books that when you read it –“It makes sense” It’s a book that will revolutionise your own theology of mission and put you in the thick of it. It’s a book that I believe would be of benefit to seminaries and countless people who are training to pastors, ministers and missionaries and who will answer the call of God to Go.

Let Submerge be the one book that you will grow from and be informed and educated by. 

Submerge is a book that anyone series about mission cannot do without.

Click Here to find Submerge on Amazon.co.uk

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