2. Week Two - Hunger for the Power of the Gospel – Not only to forgive sin but also to transform what makes us sinful in the first place. Bringing healing, freedom and deliverance.
3. Week Three - Hunger for Grace – To see all those excluded and hurt by the church and society brought into life changing contact with Jesus and His bride and told of the their pricelessness.
4. Week Four - Hunger for Joy – Transcending our techno-isolation and consumer orientation, hunger to taste the joy, wonder and awe of the world and people around us.
5. Week Five - Hunger for Justice – To see the gospel proclaimed and lived out in word and deed, corporately and individually, structurally, personally, globally and locally.
6. Week Six - Hunger for Worship – To see the offering of our whole selves as the only fitting response to God’s mercy, holiness, love and grace.
7. Week Seven - Hunger for Truth – tired of talking heads proffering countless human opinions, always in conflict, we hunger for a definitive word, a voice with authority, a way of discerning what really matters and why?
8. Week Eight - Hunger for Honesty – Disgusted with the scandals of our churches, our society and our own hearts, we hunger to find places where we no longer have to hide ourselves from God or from each other.
9. Week Nine – Hunger for Jesus – The 1000 faces of Jesus that is portrayed by the church. Recovering the real Jesus is the hunger of the hour