Tuesday 14 December 2010

Jesus was a radical and we, as Christians, are to do no less!

Jesus was a radical and, hence, countercultural and, as Christians, we are to be 

radical and countercultural as well!  We are never to be satisfied with a status quo 
that allows assorted social ills such as poverty, corruption in institutions, 
discrimination of any kind, or the creation of out-groups that are then demonised 
and discriminated against “in the name of God,” to go unchallenged.

As Christians, we are called upon to “…destroy arguments and every proud 
obstacle raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought 
captive to obey Christ.” (2Corinthians 10:4b-5)  These “proud obstacles” come from 
a variety of sources, some of which come from much of the organised Church itself.

Jesus preached love amidst hatred; unity amidst divisiveness; faith amidst the 
legalistic religious leaders of His day; inclusiveness amidst exclusionary religious 
leaders; wholeness amidst the brokenhearted; freedom amidst those held in yokes 
of bondage; love amidst hatred.  Jesus spoke truth to power, and we, as Christians, 
are to do no less!

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