Thursday 13 January 2011

Day 6. Living in the Skin of another....Compassionate Care and Mentoring Disciples.

I’m carrying a real gut feeling over a number of things i have been confronted with since my arrival in Australia. This gut feeling is a kind of general unease that effects you to the pit of your stomach and brings tears with it. (I wonder if this is what compassion is?) Since my arrival in Australia I have been asked for my thoughts over a number of live issues and I have observed the kind of body language that portrays fatigue in those who have asked. All this has caused me to sleep uneasy last night. Daily, I’m also confronted with the pictures of the flooding coming out of Queensland on the local and national Australian news and the fires in Perth, Western Australia. These daily reports are the powerful stories of people who have been displaced, who have lost their homes and are in disaster centres set up to take in the most affected and vulnerable people from the flood areas. Their stories are breathtaking and heartbreaking! So, in short, these are personal and national issues that ive been confronted with and in some way for me to be processed and need a response.

I’m sitting in Boronia district library at the moment, in a Melbourne suburb, it raining outside, which I’m told is very unusual for this time of the year and it has been raining for some time and shows no sign of giving up in the near future. Looks like I’m here for the day. While I’m here I’m trying to think through my feelings and to come to some sense of them. I also want to find a way of briefly exploring, writing and reflecting a little about these things.

My mind has turned to two particular core thoughts and im going to try to explore them a little in this article. The first of the core thoughts is the issue of COMPASSIONATE CARE and the other is the issue of MENTORING AND DISCIPLING OTHERS.

My main text for exploring these things is the great text of the "Emmaus Road" in Luke 24. Many that now me will know that this text has been the foundational text for most of my current ministry. We find in the Emmaus text a pointer to the theology of compassionate care and mentoring, which I’m not going to get into to deeply here, but it might serve me to document and reflect on how Jesus handles both of these issues at the same time. I’m not going to deal with what happens when they reach the house in the village, break bread and eat together, In my mind I’m more wanting to concentrate and reflect on what happens on the road.

This is an open reflection which Im writing in order to stimulate me to more creativity and action.

Jesus comes alongside the two bereaved and hopeless travellers and travels with them for a while. He shares with them the same stretch of road, he breathes in the same air and his sandals are covered in the same dust. By his questions he gets the two travellers to talk while he listens. Perhaps this is what is meant when we talk about living inside someone elses skin. By doing this Jesus seems to hold them in his strength and within his care.

This situation displays clearly what happens when you introduce an agent of change into a situation. By that I mean something that brings transformation to a given situation. Of course Jesus offers this to them. My reflection is that Compassion Care of itself is one thing and a good thing, but without an agent of change hearts will continue to be locked into a particular set of circumstances and not gain a sense of freedom, or am I being to simplistic? Care is given to an individual or individuals in the context of the big picture of God’s care and concern in the world.

Jesus uses the scriptures to point to God’s Covenant. He uncovers the promises of God to them. Carefuly and masterly He softly challenges the two travellers assumptions, experience and belief and by doing so give opportunity for behaviour to be transformed, formed or reformed.

There is an important thought here of spiritual formation. Most of us would acknowledge that our notable periods of greatest spiritual growth have been when someone took much interest in us and invested their time and energy into a close, open and caring friendship with us. They were there for us, and we knew it. They were available at almost any time to listen, to encourage, to lean on, and to motivate us when we were weak and unsure and struggling. They modeled Christ to us, and we experienced Christ's love for us through them ("Jesus with skin on"). This is what we find in the passage, this is the kind of Jesus mentoring that is needed in many situations. Formation is the outworking of Concern or Care in the life of an individual or individuals.

In relationship with others all of us may feel challenged to respond when we are confronted by certain issues, problems and concerns that come from an individual but we also face the issue of making a response when we are confronted by community issues and challenges.

I’ve simply been openly reflecting in scripture in the light of my own context in my travels in Australia. It has been strengthening to do so. I’m feeling more comforted in my heart having had a bit of time just to ramble about these things which have gripped me so far from home.

Thanks for listening.


  1. I guess God has you here at this particular time to grow in areas to proceed with your future path.
    quote from you :
    Most of us would acknowledge that our notable periods of greatest spiritual growth have been when someone took much interest in us and invested their time and energy into a close, open and caring friendship with us. They were there for us, and we knew it. They were available at almost any time to listen, to encourage, to lean on, and to motivate us when we were weak and unsure and struggling. They modeled Christ to us, and we experienced Christ's love for us through them ("Jesus with skin on").
    I have also observed it's when we are at our lowest point that we seek Christ and begin a relationship with Him..
    Life's a journey and only God knows our timing in forming a personal relationship with Him..
    Trials come to test us and our test soon becomes our testimony.
    This situation in Australia hopefully will bring a deeper love for Christ as those affected look for renewed HOPE and FAITH like JOB...
    we as a nation need to continue to lift our prayers for Gods hand to be shown and His Will will be done..Amen
    cheers for now Graeme enjoying your journal
    God Bless Keep & Guide you always

  2. Hi Graeme, Enjoying your blog and the stimulation of your thinking. What you wrote about your 'gut feeling of unease' reminds me of something I read once about the difference between sympathy and compassion. Sympathy was defined as 'feeling for' whereas compassion is 'feeling with'. In the gospels Jesus is only referred to as having compassion (eg Mt.9:39, 14:14, 15:32, 20:34). I've just checked the definition of the greek word which is used and it means 'be moved to pity in ones's inward parts' - it seems to be quite a visceral word. The only reference to Jesus having sympathy is Heb. 4:15 referring to Jesus as our great High Priest. The compassion seems to go hand in hand with the companionship (back to Emmaus Rd again). Pax Christi, Paul R.
